What is Branding? | The Brave New Brand

What is Branding? Your brand is not your logo. There's a common misunderstanding between brands and logos. We commonly say that we are going to buy the "brand X" when we are actually referring to “product X”.

The Brave New Brand | Articles | SOULFUL BRANDING

SOULFUL BRANDING. Category. See also. Start your journey today. Gisele Medeiros. Utrecht, The Netherlands (but really everywhere)


SOULFUL BRANDING. GENTLE PRODUCTIVITY. steward LEADERSHIP. BEAUTIFUL Strategy. Your business is one of a kind. Get help to shape and show your authentic brand. Check the services. Book your free call. Start your journey today. Gisele Medeiros.

About me

Brand Strategist with 15+ years of international experience in Branding, Marketing, and Communication Strategy, I'm an Advertising professional with a Business Management MBA, Postgraduate degrees in Marketing and Psychology and Wellness Science, and a specialization

Am I overusing my logo? | The Brave New Brand

Invisible Branding. We all learn that a brand. should be memorable, but that doesn't mean that the logo should be displayed everywhere.


Using several branding tools and our ownpositioning framework, we going to definethe brand essence: the foundation wherewe build the entire business presence. Values. Vision. Mission Statement. Positioning. Elevator Pitch or Brand Manifest.


The branding journey. To build a brand takes time, but to uncover its essence shouldn't be a life-long (or painful) quest. I can help you with that. Tell me how (now). Clarity is the best strategy.

The Brave New Brand

A branding process ultimately creates better business, giving back something beautiful to the world.

How flexible should be the brand playbook? | The Brave New Brand

Flexible Branding. In the past, the brand playbooks were literal books, printed with super expensive materials that should display all the rules, fonts, and Pantone's color palette in exquisite, fail-proof quality.

How to check if the brand message is clear? | The Brave New Brand

That’s why besides a creative and strategy exercise, branding will always be also a sensitive and elegant mentorship process, asking the most important (and avoided) questions to reach and uncover the essence.