Productive Self-Care
Sometimes the day-to-day routine and pressures make us feel like our bodies are irrelevant to our activities. We act like disembodied minds, moving our brain from bed to scream, producers of intellectual capital. The truth is, a healthy mind is part of a healthy body. Maybe you need to start considering the whole package in this "I don't perform enough" self-analysis.
To get more things done (I would say the right things done, in the right way - effectiveness) you need to take care of yourself first. Prioritizing something that will help you to do anything else better. So, here’s one unexpected answer to this question: how about adding 30 minutes of exercise as the first thing you do in the morning (before checking up your phone)?
It will sound easier if you realize that taking care of your body is as essential as anything else. Not something that you drag yourself to three times a week, but something as vital as to eat, to sleep, or to brush your teeth. After one week of doing an exercise of your choice religiously, check again how you feel about your ability to accomplish your goals. Let me know, ok?
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