The Brave New Brand | Cases | Brasuzy

Pass on happiness. Context. Brasuzy is a Dutch brand full of Brazilianess. It speaks of luck and positivity, not only the one we want for ourselves, but especially the one we generously wish for others.

How to define pricing strategy? | The Brave New Brand

If you can create a greater value that really solves your client’s problem, leveraging his market position, happiness, health, etc, don’t be afraid to position it in a fairway. Recommended for you: VIEW ALL. Explore more Themes. CONTENT DROPS ARTICLES.

The Brave New Brand | Cases | Ser Humana

In short chronicles, it talks about happiness, time, work, relationships, faith, and everything else that makes life so crazy and, precisely because of that, so interesting.

About me

There's always a smarter way to do it, and lots of stuff that we thought are fundamental to the business were actually just a way to. increase complexity and diminish our profits. and happiness at work.

How to set healthy goals? | The Brave New Brand

Reaching goals doesn’t not mean achieving happiness, they are more about the compass than the finish line. Besides that, we tend to plan to control things, even though we don’t have any power to change the course of it.

The Brave New Brand | Cases | The Brave New Life

Ser Humana. ”, published in Brazil in 2019, with reflections on happiness, career, time and everything else that makes us brave and imperfect.


A boost of energy and confidence to share your work proudly and gentle uplifting your work happiness. Book your free call. Read more.