The problem is, in my perspective, the purpose: to make money, to be profitable, even if the company vision features the most altruistic intention that one can imagine, the ultimate objective will always be financial gain and enterprise value.…
Its purpose is to offer the reader company, without the pretension of ready-made answers or ending the matter. Ser Humana is like a sabbatical, a time for reflection, a conversation between friends. Os textos, inicialmente criados para o blog.…
The signature clearly summarizes the positioning and purpose of the brand: "wealth beyond money".…
For this purpose 13 cards were developed, one for each wish. O estudo de comunicação esclareceu a personalidade da marca, seus valores e posicionamento.…
Brand Strategy for purpose-driven business. Book a free call. The world needs beauty. A branding process ultimately creates better business, giving back something beautiful to the world.…
There’s too much to say about Brand Storytelling but for the purpose of this brand check let’s keep it simple. We just want to know how people tell our story, how they reframe it. Perhaps your brand doesn’t have a story yet. But remember Marty Neumeier.…