The Brave New Brand | Articles | BEAUTIFUL STRATEGY

BEAUTIFUL STRATEGY. Category. See also. Start your journey today. Gisele Medeiros. Utrecht, The Netherlands (but really everywhere)

How to define pricing strategy? | The Brave New Brand

How to define pricing strategy? Price-therapy. Defining prices for services could be tricky because they are directly attached to the value you perceive in yourself as the person who delivers that expertise.

Am I targeting the right audience? | The Brave New Brand

If your price strategy is not working you have only three options to consider: 1. Your delivery is not up to the price, that is, does not deliver. enough value. or solve your client’s needs; 2.


BEAUTIFUL Strategy. Your business is one of a kind. Get help to shape and show your authentic brand. Check the services. Book your free call. Start your journey today. Gisele Medeiros. Utrecht, The Netherlands (but really everywhere)

About me

They lack clarity, strategy, foundation. That was definitely not what I wanted (AT ALL). So, after my second son was born I decided to solve my problem with the opposite of everything that I always did: I decided to do less.


I work to help founders in the process to communicate and connect with their audience on a human level, using a four-stage process: BRAND STRATEGY. BRAND DESIGN. COMMUNICATION. I. Deep Research. The overview effect. II. Brand Strategy. A clear message.

The Brave New Brand

Brand Strategy for purpose-driven business. Book a free call. The world needs beauty. A branding process ultimately creates better business, giving back something beautiful to the world.

How to check if the brand message is clear? | The Brave New Brand

That’s why it’s so hard to create a brand strategy alone.

The Brave New Brand | Cases | Vabene

The breadth of its offer represented a major challenge in terms of brand positioning and communication, which influenced relevant business decisions, such as product strategy, segmentation, and Go-To-Market.

The Brave New Brand | Cases | Ajud

He wanted to talk about trust, the subtle ability to anticipate scenarios and then make security a requirement of strategy. And he wanted to do all this originally, similar to his way of managing the business and seeing the world.